is experimental feature, this interfaces could be changed
exposes the fallback of the nearest parent Suspense if the Promise returned by the received asynchronous function is pending.
Afterwards, when the Promise is fulfilled, the guaranteed awaited data can be used.
Additionally, this data is cached with the received key and can be reused immediately without pending.
import { Await } from '@suspensive/react-await'
import { Suspense } from '@suspensive/react'
const getPost = (postId: number) => fetch(`/post/${postId}`).then<Post>((res) => res.json())
const Post = () => {
const awaited = useAwait({ key: ['post', 2] as const, fn: ({ key: [, postId] }) => getPost(postId) })
return <>{}</>
const Example = () => (
<Suspense fallback="awaiting...">
<Post />